SF State mobile app

SF State Mobile App

SF State Mobile app is the official mobile platform at San Francisco State University.

We created SF State Mobile to make it easier for you to get access to campus services and resources on the go. Since the app is a work constantly in progress, we’ll continue to improve and enhance your mobile experience.

My Role

  • Lead UX
  • UX Design
  • UX Research


  • One designers
  • Two developers
  • One product owner


  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Photoshop


Design an app greatly rooted in utility while provides engaging features. Furthermore, the app should provide a welcoming first-year experience.


Our focus was on utility. We conducted contextual interviews on how students and faculty used the campus tools.

Together with persona development, we narrowed the features to core functions students, staff, and faculty needed to complete their tasks.

Mobile perosnas
Mobile personas
Mobile components
Mobile components
Mobile lo-fi for current student
Mobile lo-fi for current student


We created a single, simple interface for students, staff and faculty to quickly access core functions. Upon our redesign of the university mobile app, increase student registration via the app by 48%.

Furthermore, the usability sessions concluded most participants found the app to be well-organized, uncluttered and easy to use. However, the participants stated the app skews to students living on campus and new students.

SF State mobile app
Mobile screen for current student
Mobile screen for current student
Mobile screen for current student
Mobile screen for future student

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